Working with the Computer
Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) since 2002

Don Wiebe and Bob Wall have been involved with using the Computer Voice Stress Anayzer (CVSA) since it came to Canada in 2002. With their extensive backgrounds in police detective work, they immediately saw the immense potential the equipment had in both law enforcement and many public sector applications
Don and Bob began offering a pre-employment screening service through the Saanich Police Department...
...and eventually put together an eight-step program which is now marketed as a course as well as a product throughout North America. They offer a series of one to five-day seminars on interviewing and interrogation techniques which are easily applied and adapted to many different corporate requirements.
ITV Consulting has grown out of market demand for an affordable and reliable truth verification system and holds the exclusive sales contract for CVSA hardware/software packages in Canada. ITV offers not only complete screening services, tailored to specific company needs, but also the computer tools and interviewing skills to equip employees to conduct accurate, ongoing personnel screening.